About St Paul

St Paul Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Lutheran Church of Australia. We are a Christian community with people of different ages and cultures. We are united by our faith in Jesus Christ and our desire to “live Jesus’ love” in our daily lives.
St Paul Lutheran School was founded by our congregation and we share facilities with the School. We understand that it is part or our mission to bless and serve the School, including staff, students and their households. We are thankful that God has blessed us with a School that is a place of wonderful learning, care and Christian encouragement.
Whoever you are and whatever your background, you are welcome at St Paul!
St Paul Lutheran School was founded by our congregation and we share facilities with the School. We understand that it is part or our mission to bless and serve the School, including staff, students and their households. We are thankful that God has blessed us with a School that is a place of wonderful learning, care and Christian encouragement.
Whoever you are and whatever your background, you are welcome at St Paul!
Our Mission
"Living Jesus' Love"
Here at St Paul we wish to assist people into a relationship with Jesus.
We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to befriend our neighbours and share the risen Christ with the community so we will all grow closer to Jesus.
We encourage and support members to grow in their faith and to be involved in our mission to 'Live in Jesus Love' so we can 'Live out Jesus Love'.
Here at St Paul we wish to assist people into a relationship with Jesus.
We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to befriend our neighbours and share the risen Christ with the community so we will all grow closer to Jesus.
We encourage and support members to grow in their faith and to be involved in our mission to 'Live in Jesus Love' so we can 'Live out Jesus Love'.
Our Beliefs
St Paul is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) in the SA/NT District. We proclaim Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world. We believe that people are restored to relationship with God by grace through faith. We believe that Jesus is living and present, and that the Bible and the Sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion) are means of God’s grace. We believe that fullness of life is life with Jesus. We also believe that it is important to respect others, whatever their beliefs or perspectives, as people made in the image of God and loved by him.
The Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) is committed to providing a safe church environment for children and young people. The LCA acknowledges that children are a precious gift from God, with special vulnerabilities, that they require nourishment and nurture in their spiritual development and that they are to be protected from all forms of abuse. The LCA also affirms that it has no tolerance for child abuse and that all its people have an important responsibility to care for children and to keep them safe. The way we care for children reflects our genuineness of faith. It is also a reflection of God’s love and his divine protection. You are welcome to come as you are and journey with us! For more information about The LCA, the SA district or to access the policies and procedures we are guided by visit their website. |